SIT Elections
One of the things PTSA does in the spring is host the elections for the School Improvement Team.
Here’s an overview of the two organizations and what they do.
PTA/PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Association/ Parent Teacher/ Student Association
What is the PTSA?
An organization of local groups of teachers and the parents of their pupils that works for the improvement of the schools and the benefit of the pupils. It is volunteer run, and separate from the school district.
What does the PTSA do?
PTSAs Support Student Education and Experience
Provides funding to supplement classroom and school needs
Purchases major equipment like computers and even capital improvements like playgrounds
Provides funding for food insecure children through organizations such as TABLE, PORCH, and Food for Summer
Coordinates clothing drives for students in need
Supports arts education by coordinating PTA Reflections and funding outside Cultural Arts programming
PTAs Support Teachers and Staff
Funds training and development for staff
Coordinates teacher appreciation events throughout the year
Runs Book Fairs and buys materials for the library
Funds additional support for the administration and front office
Provides funding directly to teachers for classroom materials
PTAs Build Stronger Schools
Supports back-to-school, spirit nights, and end of year celebrations
Manages spirit merchandise sales to build school pride - and raise funds!
Coordinates volunteers year round
Publishes PTA newsletters and maintains social media forums
Advocates for policy and funding at the state and local level
SIT stands for School Improvement Team
What is the School Improvement Team?
School Improvement Teams are required by North Carolina law to develop school improvement plans*to improve student performance. The team includes the principal, teachers and staff, and families of students in the school. The representatives are elected by their respective groups (such as the PTA electing parents, or school departments electing teachers/ staff). Parents serving on School Improvement Teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of students enrolled in that school, and shall not be members of the building level staff.
*What is the School Improvement Plan?
These plans are required by law in order to set goals and allow team members to collaborate on ways to achieve the goals and needs of the school, and to improve student success.
What kinds of things does SIT do:
Reviews and analyzes data collected by the school
Provides input into the end of each year’s status report
Approves the capital and operational budget requests for the school
Solicits input from and hears the concerns of constituents about school programs
Reviews the results of all relevant state and district administered surveys
Provides counsel to the Board of Education on issues and policies
Participates in the selection process when there is a vacancy for the position of principal at the school
Advocates for schools
Serves in an advisory capacity to the principal
Requests local position exchanges
How Can SITs Advance Equity Trimmed
Thank you to the CHCCS PTA Council for this summary.
Some other relevant info. For the 2022-2023 School Year, the timeline is:
SIT Application and Voting Timeline
April 20 - May 2 Application process will open online and hard copy applications will be mailed to families who do not have email addresses. Paper applications must be postmarked by May 2.
May 9 - May 18 SIT Voting/Elections - Electronic ballots will be available online and hard copy ballots will be mailed to families who do not have email addresses. Paper ballots must be postmarked by May 18.
Week of May 23- Announcements of new SIT members
School Improvement Team (SIT) Information and Application 2022 (English)
This is the application for the School Improvement Team (SIT). Information about the SIT is included below for any person who may not be familiar with the SIT. The deadline for applying for the SIT is MAY 2, 2022 for both electronic and paper submission. For paper applications, this is the date the application must be mailed/postmarked.
*If you have questions about this application, please contact:
Jill Simon,, 980-297-2245 *
Interest Form ENGLISH- digital
Interest Form ENGLISH- Printable
Información y formulario de solicitud del Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIT, por sus siglas en inglés)
Este es el formulario de solicitud para el Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIT, por sus siglas en inglés). A continuación se incluye información sobre el SIT para cualquier persona que no esté familiarizada con el SIT. La fecha límite para presentar el formulario de solicitud del SIT es el 2 de mayo, 2022. El formulario se puede presentar electrónicamente y en papel. Para las solicitudes en papel, esta es la fecha en que el formulario de solicitud debe enviarse por correo / estampillada.
* Si tiene preguntas sobre este formulario de solicitud, por favor comuníquese con
Jill Simon,, 980-297-2245*
Interest Form SPANISH- digital
Interest Form SPANISH- printable
علومات فريق تطوير المدرسة (SIT) والتطبيق
هذا هو تطبيق فريق تحسين المدرسة (SIT). يتم تضمين معلومات حول SIT أدناه لأي شخص قد لا يكون على دراية بـ SIT. الموعد النهائي للتقدم بطلب للحصول على SIT هو 2 مايو 2022 لكل من التقديم الإلكتروني والورقي. بالنسبة للطلبات الورقية ، هذا هو التاريخ الذي يجب أن يتم فيه إرسال / ختم الطلب بالبريد.
* إذا كانت لديك أسئلة حول هذا التطبيق ، فيرجى الاتصال بـ:
جون ديلجادو ، Jill Simon,, 980-297-2245*